4 things You Need to Know About Getting Involved in Politics

Politics can be a dirty game. If you’re not used to playing dirty, or you’re not sure how to get started, it can be really intimidating. Here are four things that will help you get started in politics, and have a good foundation to build on.

Does the Church have a place in Politics?

worship in church

Politics is a hot-button topic and the Church has always been involved. But where do we draw the line? Is it right for the Church to be so politically active? Should they be endorsing candidates or pushing specific agendas? This blog post will explore the role of the Church in politics and give you my opinion on whether or not they should be more involved.

Politics doesn’t have to be a dirty word- get involved and make a difference

Politics doesn’t have to be a dirty word. Get involved and make a difference. The world is full of problems that need solutions, and the only way to find solutions is to get involved. There are plenty of ways to make a difference- sign up to volunteer, vote, or even just speak out about the issues you care about. You don’t have to be a politician to make a difference in the world.

Where do the States get their authority from?

Let me start off by stating that I am not a lawyer, historian, or secular scholar. I’m just a citizen with a passion for understanding our nation and how it works. That being said, the following will help shed some light on how things work from my perspective.

Texas Independence Day – March 2, 2022

Texas Independence Day – March 2, 2022 Denton County Precinct Chair 4196 March 2, 2022 Denton County Republican Precinct 4196 On March 2, 1836, Texas Independence Day recognizes the signing of the Texas Declaration of Independence on that day. Over 59 representatives from Texas’ citizens voted to declare independence from Mexico and establish the Republic […]

Precinct Chair Candidates’ 2nd the filing period ends at 6 pm on 12 Feb 2022.

Precinct Chair Candidates’ 2nd the filing period ends at 6 pm on 12 Feb 2022. Denton County Precinct Chair 4196 February 10, 2022 Denton County Republican Precinct 4196 Precinct Chair Candidates’ 2ndfiling period ends at 6 pm on 12 Feb 2022. HQ is not open Saturday, Feb 12th(you may email the notarized filing formbefore 6:01 […]