Update from the Texas GOP Convention in San Antonio

Denton County Republican Precinct 4196

I’ve been eager to share some exciting updates from the Texas GOP with you. While today’s news might overshadow this, I believe Trump supporters among us will find comfort in what I’m about to share.


First, the Texas GOP State Convention was a remarkable event, recognized as the largest political gathering in the country, even outpacing the National Conventions in size and attendance, as noted by the presenters.
At the convention, delegates had the important duties of ratifying Party rules, adopting the Party platform, and electing our State Chairman and Vice Chairman.

In presidential election years, we also confirm delegates and alternates to the national convention, select Electors, and elect our National Committeeman and Committeewoman.

Some of the key leaders elected at this convention include:
  • Abraham George as RPT Chair
  • D’rinda Randall as Vice Chair
  • Debbie Georgatos as RNC Committeewoman
  • Dr. Robin Armstrong as RNC Committeeman
  • Lisa Hendrickson as SREC Committeewoman
  • David Wylie as SREC Committeeman
  • Peyton Inge as an Elector
  • Mike Montes as Delegate to the GOP National Convention
  • Lisa Dyer as Delegate to the GOP National Convention
  • Kimo Sutton as Delegate to the GOP National Convention
  • and three alternates

Though some votes took longer than others, I am thrilled to announce that I won my election with a little over 52% of the vote across three counties, competing against three other candidates and I did it on the first round of votes.


It has always been a dream of mine to serve my country and my state, and with the support of the Harvest community, I am proud to say I will achieve both goals in July!

I now have the honor of representing you, our Republican Party members in CD 26 which includes Denton, Cooke & Wise, at the National Level as a Delegate.

Here comes the comforting part… I will be casting my vote for President Trump, regardless of the challenges they throw at him!
Thank you for your continued support.
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